Monday 14 March 2011


I play 5-a-side once a week with a bunch of footie obsessed lads from all walks of life. I did a quick straw poll last week, asking first who'd heard of the New Balance brand to which the answer was 7 out of 9, and then what they thought of my boots (which I didn't wear to play footie as they are definitely not the right style), and after much inevitable piss taking and enquiries about getting paid for their opinion etc, the eventual reaction was a positive one. Whether or not they will rush out and buy a pair is unknown (unlikely imo) but there are now 9 blokes out there who have been introduced to the NB H710BG!

I also discussed the NB with some other mates and business colleagues, and all had heard of the brand but mostly the initial reaction was 'Oh they make running shoes don't they?' which pigeon holes the brand spectrum but at least there's a recognition that's in the right arena. One owned a pair of NB trainers but complained they were uncomfortable, although he really liked the look of mine, so, having the same size feet, he tried them on and was mightily impressed. There could be an NB sale on the cards.

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