Wednesday 23 March 2011

The Final New Balance Opinion

The five week branding experiment is over. Here's my final opinion on my New Balance experience...

I've enjoyed being an 'opinion former' - getting a free pair of NBs in return for some rambling blogs seems a fair deal! It was interesting to take a closer look at some of the brands mentioned and to consider how they interact with people to sell their wares. It's a fascinating subject matter and the arena in which I work so all the more interesting for it. It's also been a good introduction to the New Balance brand - they are not a brand I was really familiar with, and so far their advertising has completely passed me by, so without this experiment they'd still be off my radar.

As for the boots themselves, I've worn them nearly every day since they arrived and on close inspection there's been minimal wear to the soles, minor creasing on the leather upper and no damage or failure in the construction. They've received a few favourable comments, are a perfect fit, very comfortable, don't squeak even on shiny floors, have really good grip on rough terrain, and I can walk for miles in them without any discomfort.

Suffice it to say, I will continue wearing the NBs for the foreseeable future. A major test will be their longevity - I'd expect a pair of boots in this price bracket to last about a year. My last pair of Timberland Earthkeepers, in a higher price bracket (but waterproof), went through the sole in just under a year so if they match that I will be impressed. As for style, they're just right for me - rugged without looking too serious, not 'showy' and not too young to make me look a pillock (I hope). Will definitely choose them for next trip abroad - they seem perfect for travel as are also lightweight and breathe pretty well (ie they're not humming yet).

I will definitely consider New Balance in the future - although don't ever recall seeing them on sale in any local retailers, but having already got a pair I now know the right size for my feet so can buy online in confidence.

Have I disliked anything about the project.... nope.

Thanks to 'the team' and to New Balance.

Sunday 20 March 2011

Inamo Interactive Dining

Took a trip to London town for a full street test of the NBs, taking in a bit of culture with a couple of galleries and shooting some street photography along the way. The New Balance boots were satisfyingly comfortable from beginning to end - no soreness, no sweating - perfect.

The highlight of the day was a visit to Inamo Restaurant in Soho. Inamo is different to your usual eatery in that the ordering is done entirely via an interactive display projected on to the table top and controlled via a track pad in the corner of the table. It's similar to the technology behind the Adidas All In Show video, with data being projected on to a surface - but the interactive element makes this all the more engaging.

It was a genuinely enjoyable and novel experience, and one that doesn't stop at the food - once ordered and waiting for it to arrive (and it arrives, well - in a mo), you could indulge in a few table top games like Battleships - and even watch a live video feed of your order being cooked in the kitchen!

You'd think that with all this novelty factoring going on the food would be the thing to let it all down - but not so. It is absolutely superb - ultra fresh, wonderful flavours and spot on presentation.

Take a look...

Thursday 17 March 2011


Having bought Timberland boots for years, I know that Vibram soles are superb quality. Unfortunately Timberland don't use them on some of their boots now, as has already been mentioned, and the ones without the Vibram label wear out in months - whereas all my old boots with Vibram soles just keep going - usually until the upper has had it. I've actually had a pair of Timberland Earthkeepers, which are amazingly comfortable, re-soled with Vibrams, after the cheap originals wore right through. You can hardly call them EarthKeepers if they wear out quicker than their other boots and end up in landfill! Anyway, I see that Vibram have launched a new running shoe - but while I'm not convinced about the look of these, the website is very interesting indeed...

The New Vibram FIve Fingers

Wednesday 16 March 2011

Adidas Are All In... and it's all good.

Just seen this. All new Adidas ad. Clearly cost a few bob but some of the filming and camera angles are very special... not to mention the celebrity count - and the strapline... bingo. It's so right.


And, just in, this - The Adidas All Show... pretty amazing too... I do love a bit of technical wizardry....


Just had a lengthy brainstorming meeting with a client team, and someone mentioned my New Balance boots - saying they'd noticed them on me and that they thought they were 'looking good'.

Conversation switched to NB and lots of positive comments came out, including an admission from one client that he's just bought a pair of NBs.

The NB brand appeal has moved up a notch.

Tuesday 15 March 2011

Best Ad

I used to own a few pairs of Reebok hi-tops, way back when - haven't bought anything since but this ad has always stayed with me. Just brilliant. The creatives, and the clients who approved it, should be knighted for their bravery.

Still makes me laugh...

More brandage

Honda, now there's a name I've always been fond of. From an early age I always liked Honda motorcycles. My mates brother and all his mates had Honda TL125 trials bikes and I thought they were the nuts. And I always loved the CR motocrosser and XR trail bike - had posters of them on my wall. So as soon as I was able I bought a TL, which I even rode on the streets of London in my early twenties. After moving out of the city I passed my bike test and got a Honda Dominator NX650, a big single cylinder thumper, and I loved it, but it was no good for the city commute and ended up with a beautiful VFR800.
Honda always felt like the quality option when it came to bikes - built to last, bullet proof. The cars had the same reputation but were a bit fuddy duddy, with the exception of the NSX sports car. Then along came the S2000, which I saw at a motor show launch, and everyone in the know raved about it. Honda engines are stuff of legend and many a time I'd hear that not one V-TEC engine had ever blown and while it impressed me I never bought a Honda car. But, long after I'd had my last Honda bike, and kids had taken a preference over wreckless petrolhead behaviour, my brother said he was getting a sports car for the summer and was looking at either an old Boxster or an MX5. I told him to consider the S2000 - he hadn't even heard of one. But a few days later he called to say he'd googled it for hours and was convinced it was the car for him and bought one - on my recommendation. Thankfully he loved it.

And one of the best ads ever... the Honda 'Dream the Impossible Dream' ad. There's nothing like exploiting your heritage, especially when it's this good...